Our Covenant

our church covenant

This covenant, which all members of The United Church of Los Alamos affirm upon joining the church, was ratified by the congregation on Sunday, October 19, 1947.

Thankful for God's abundant goodness, and for His great gift of salvation through Jesus Christ, our Lord, I hereby covenant to seek to know and to do His will, and to promote as far as I can, the interest of Christ's Kingdom.

Having accepted the Lord Jesus Christ as my personal Savior, and the Bible which gives God's progressive revelation of Himself to mankind as my Supreme Standard of Faith and Practice, and heartily believing in the province of private judgment in the interpretation of the Scriptures, I seek fellowship with all who devoutly love the Lord Jesus Christ and adopt His standard of teaching and conduct as set forth in the New Testament.

Realizing that the success of the church depends upon the consecration of its individual membership, I covenant to uphold it by my prayers, to attend its services, to contribute to its support, to labor to maintain its peace and harmony, and, as far as possible, in every way to promote its temporal and spiritual welfare.

our Values Statement

As God loves us, we are called to love God and to love each other, both within the community and throughout the world. The United Church of Los Alamos offers an open Christian environment to those who seek to know God through Jesus Christ and to do God’s will.

In our love for God, we value:

• Worship – We are called to create a worship environment and experience that facilitate and deepen the worshippers’ connection to God and each other. 

• Faith Development – We are called to provide opportunities for all persons to grow in the understanding and the living out of their faith, regardless of where they are on their faith journey. 

In our love for each other in the community, we value:

• Nurturing – We are called to warmly welcome those who come through our doors, to nurture each other in faith and fellowship, and to promote congregational well-being through caring relationships and prayer. 

• Ecumenicity – We are called to be an inclusive faith community, welcoming differing viewpoints and honoring the diversity within our congregation.

In our love for others in the world, we value:

• Mission and Service – We are called to share God’s love and participate in the ministry of Christ by supporting local, national and international ministries. Furthermore, we are called to provide opportunities to experience the joy, fulfillment, and community of Christian service.

• Stewardship – We are called to be faithful stewards of God’s creation, giving generously of what we have been given - our time, money and talents - and using wisely the church’s resources - financial, human, and facility.

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